Striders on Tour

Striders on Tour this Summer!

For those who don’t know what this long established, summer treat is, you will love it.

On a Tuesday or Wednesday evening throughout the summer months we will travel by bus (see note below) to various destinations for a social run.  These runs are suitable for absolutely everyone.  Take your time and enjoy being out and about or run until your lungs are burning, its entirely up to you. As long as you find your way back to the bus how you do it is entirely up to you.

There is no cost involved.  Just turn up and enjoy.  You can expect some lovely runs, Chatelherault, Calderglen, Lanfine Estate to name but a few.  Also any destinations that you know of that might be new to some of us will be welcome additions.

Striders on Tour is all about getting our and having fun so lace up your trainers, get the sun screen and thermals at the ready and enjoy our wonderful outdoors.

Contact Ian, Membership Secretary on if you want more information or CAN HELP with the driving ?

*Request for Help*

We use the Strathaven Community Bus for our outings and we need a driver(s).  All you need is a full driving licence, and be a better driver than me, which in fairness is not a big ask.  If you can help out regularly or once please let me know and I will draw up a rota.  What’s the worst that could happen???