Winter Time Trial 21/22

There are two routes, 5km and 10km, both starting and finishing at 58 Rokeby Crescent (Kirsty’s House). Julie has promised home baking at the end of every race, and Kirsty can offer a toilet and somewhere to leave dry clothes, (plus two dogs if anyone needs a pre or post run cuddle) ?

The two races will start at the same time. Both races are open to all adult members.

Intermediate Striders (15 years+) can take part in the 5km race following the same rules as the adults. 

  • Wednesday 12th January
  • Wednesday 2nd February
  • Wednesday 2nd March

The Rules:

  • You can only enter one race so if you are not sure try both before committing.
  • To be in the competition you need to complete minimum of 4 runs.  You can of course do all 6, but your final score will be the average of your top 4.
  • There are no age splits.

The Final Results:

It was literally neck and neck between the top runners for the full series, and ridiculously close at the end, but we are delighted to announce this years winners as follows: 

5km 1st Male = Euan Green | 00:20:21

Special mention to both Euan and Kyle Kennedy- both boys ran an immense sub 20 to finish the series off on a high 😀

5km 1st Female = Hayley McEwan | 00:21:37

10km 1st Male = James Heede | 00:46:06

10km  1st Female = Rachel Kelly | 00:46:21

We will be in touch with details once a date has been confirmed for Trophy Presentations. 

Summer time trail begins in June, with home baking substituted for ice poles 🙂 We look forward to seeing you all then. 

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